ecGraph3D  -  Demo9

The VB code used to generate the above graph...

Public Sub Demo9(ecGraph3D1 As ecGraph3D)
  '10,000 bars, axis style, aspect, position, orientation, and color table
  Const nX = 70, nY = 140
  Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, z As Single, Title$
  Dim zData(nX, nY) As Single, BarTooltips$(nX, nY) 'define a matrix to hold the z-values
  With ecGraph3D1
    Call .Reset 'always start with "Reset"
    Call .SetBackground(vbBlack)
    .RibbonsAlongX = True
    .ShowHourGlassWhenDrawing = True
    .ScrollMode = 4 'show only a bounding box when scrolling, as this graph takes a while to draw
    'Specify the position and viewing angle, and aspect ratios..
    Call .SetGraphShapeFactors(1, 1.8, 0.7)
    Call .SetViewDetails(248, 40, 0, 0, 88)
    Title$ = "Demo 9. 10,000 bars, axis style, aspect, position, orientation, and color table." + vbCrLf + _
             " Zoom in with Alt-LeftClick. Zoom out with Alt-RightClick."
    Call .AddText(Title$, 2, 2, ecLightGray, "bold")
    'create a custom color table..
    Call .SetzColorTableStyle(95, 40, 1, 50, vbBlack, "", ecGray)
    Call .ClearColorBands
    z = 0: Call .AddColorBand(z, ecGray, ecGray, Trim(Str(z)))
    z = 13: Call .AddColorBand(z, ecPink, ecPink, Trim(Str(z)))
    z = 24: Call .AddColorBand(z, ecPink, ecMaroon, Trim(Str(z)))
    z = 30: Call .AddColorBand(z, vbRed, vbRed, Trim(Str(z)))
    'Create array of z-values and custom tooltips to plot
    For i = 1 To nX
      x = 8 * (i - nX / 2) / nX
      For j = 1 To nY
        y = 8 * (j - nY / 2) / nY
        z = 18 + 2 * (Sin(x) + Sin(y) + 2 * Rnd)
        If Rnd < 0.05 Then z = 0
        zData(i, j) = z
        BarTooltips$(i, j) = "Time=" + Format(x, "hh:mm") + ", Distance=" + Format(j, "0") + ", Pressure=" + Format(z, "0.0")
      Next j
    Next i
    'Customise the axes
    Call .xAxisStyle(ecGray, "Time", "0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5", ecGray, ecGray, "10", "", "hh:mm")
    Call .yAxisStyle(ecGray, "Distance", "", ecGray, ecGray, "", "")
    'Add the data array
    Call .AddDataArray(nX, 0, 0.5, nY, 1, nY, zData)
    'add the custom tooltips array
    Call .AddTooltips(BarTooltips$)
    Call .Refresh 'always end with "Refresh"
  End With
End Sub

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