EcGraph Demo12.   Log scales, data points, and math functions.

The VB code used to generate the above graph...

Public Sub Demo12(EcGraph1 As EcGraph)
  'Log scales, data points, and math functions
  Dim MathFunc$, i, rr, r As Double, X As Double, Y As Double
  With EcGraph1
    Call .Reset 'Always call "Reset" first to clear the page
    'Start a new graph on the page..
    Call .NewGraph("Log scales, data points, and math functions")
    Call .GraphTitleStyle(, "bold")
    Call .PlotAreaColors(ecLavender)
    Call .LegendTableStyle(, , 50, 64)
    Call .AxisStyle(, , True)
    Call .AxisGridStyle(ecLightGrey, ecLightGrey, True, True)
    Call .AxisLabelStyle("bold")
    Call .AxisTitleStyle("Particle size, um", "bold")
    Call .SelectYaxis
    Call .AxisStyle(, , True)
    Call .AxisGridStyle(ecLightGrey, ecLightGrey, True, True)
    Call .AxisLabelStyle("bold", , -1)
    Call .AxisTitleStyle("Specific Rate, 1/min", "bold")
    'Add a math function..
    MathFunc$ = "x/(1+(x/100)^2.4)*(1+(x/2000)^3.2)"
    Call .NewDataSet("Model: y = x/(1+(x/a)^b)*(1+(x/c)^d)", True)
    Call .AddMathFunc(MathFunc$)
    Call .DataLine(ecGray, 2)
    'Add a math function..
    MathFunc$ = "x/(1+(x/600)^2.5)*(1+(x/18000)^2.5)/4"
    Call .NewDataSet("Simulated: y = " + MathFunc$, False)
    Call .AddMathFunc(MathFunc$)
    Call .DataLine(ecGray, 2)
    'Add a math function..
    MathFunc$ = "x/(1+(x/3000)^2.5)/14"
    Call .NewDataSet("Simulated: y = " + MathFunc$, False)
    Call .AddMathFunc(MathFunc$)
    Call .DataLine(ecGray, 2)
    'Start a new data set on the graph, and add random points..
    Call .NewDataSet("a. Experimental: 50 mm media")
    Call .SymbolStyle(3, 1.6, ecDarkBlue, ecBlack, 1, , , , , False)
    Call .DataLine(, 0, 0)
    X = 0.6: r = 0.2
    For i = 1 To 31
      X = X * Sqr(2)
      Y = X / (1 + (X / 100) ^ 2.4) * (1 + (X / 2000) ^ 3.2) * ((1 - r) + 2 * r * Rnd)
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y, Y * r)
    Next i
    'Start a new data set on the graph, and add random points..
    Call .NewDataSet("b. Experimental: 75 mm media")
    Call .SymbolStyle(, 1.6, ecDarkRed, ecBlack, 1, , , , , False)
    X = 0.6
    For i = 1 To 31
      X = X * Sqr(2)
      Y = X / (1 + (X / 600) ^ 2.5) * (1 + (X / 18000) ^ 2.5) * ((1 - r) + 2 * r * Rnd) / 4
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y, Y * r)
    Next i
    'Start a new data set on the graph, and add random points..
    Call .NewDataSet("c. Experimental: 100 mm media")
    Call .SymbolStyle(, 2.2, vbGreen, ecBlack, 1, , , , , False)
    X = 0.6
    For i = 1 To 31
      X = X * Sqr(2)
      Y = X / (1 + (X / 3000) ^ 2.5) * ((1 - r) + 2 * r * Rnd) / 14
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y, Y * r)
    Next i
    Call .Refresh 'Always end with "Refresh"
  End With
End Sub