ecGraph Demos



ecGraph Demo15.   Tag labels on each data point

  • Each data point labelled individually.
  • Showing two data series of random points with random tags on each point



The VB code used to generate the above graph...

Public Sub Demo15(ecGraph1 As ecGraph)
  'Each data point labelled individually
  Dim i, X As Double, Y As Double
  With ecGraph1
    Call .Reset 'Always call "Reset" first to clear the page
    'Start a new graph on the page..
    Call .NewGraph("Each data point labelled individually")

    'Start a new data set on the graph, and add random points..
    Call .NewDataSet("Data 1")
    For i = 0 To 9
      X = i + 0.3
      Y = Sqr(i) - Rnd(i) / 3
      'Assign a random tag to each point
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y, , , "B" + Trim(Str(Int(100 * (i + Rnd)))))
    Next i
    'Second data set for this graph
    Call .NewDataSet("Data 2")
    For i = 0 To 9
      X = i + 0.7: Y = Sqr(i) / 2 - Rnd / 4
      Call .AddDataPoint(X, Y, , , "R" + Trim(Str(Int(100 * (i + Rnd)))))
    Next i
    Call .NewDataSet("")
    Call .AddText("Use the CheckBox captioned 'Allow dragging Legend table'" + vbCrLf + _
                  "in Project2 to toggle the labels on/off", 0.5, 2.7, 0, "bold", vbBlue, 0, 0)
    Call .Refresh 'Always end with "Refresh"
  End With
End Sub



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